LIFE IMPETUS @ EWA Spring Conference 2017

The EWA Spring Conference 2017 on Sanitation Approaches and Solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals took place on 10th-11th May, Lisbon. This scientific meeting was organized by the European Water Association (EWA) and APESB (Portuguese Association for Sanitary and Environmental Engineering) in cooperation with CERIS-IST-UL (Centre for Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon).

The topics addressed at the event were on-site sanitation and new sanitation approaches, conventional and non-conventional sewer systems, nature based treatment solutions, excreta and treated wastewater reuse and resources recovery, energy efficiency and management in wastewater treatment, and sludge and bio-solids management.

LNEC research group participated with an oral communication entitled “Framework for energy management in small size, decentralized wastewater treatment plants” and a poster with the presentation of the LIFE IMPETUS project.